Syverson Tax Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Q: How long does it take to get my refund?
A: The IRS States: "Most refunds are sent within 21 days from the day the IRS receives your return." Many refunds come much quicker than that, but others can take longer. Unfortunately, there is no way to know when the IRS will process your return. Under the "LINKS" tab listed above allows you to check the status of the return by "Clicking" on the "State or Federal Return Buttons" provided.
*If you are filing an amendment, you can expect to wait 6-8 weeks from the time the IRS receives your return.
Q: Will I receive my refund faster if I choose direct deposit rather than having them mail me a check?
A: The answer is yes, but only because of the time it takes to mail the check to you. The processing time is the same, however if you choose direct deposit, your funds will be deposited right away, and a check usually takes days to weeks via mail.
*Please note refund checks coming by mail increases the chance of mail theft during tax season.
Q: I live in a state where we receive Property tax and/or Rent Credit. Are you able to file this for me as well?
A: Yes. Property tax refunds and rent credits are included in the price of your return.
Q: When will I receive my property tax refund/rent credit?
A: These refunds are usually processed in the fall. To check on the status of your refund, use the "State Button" in the "LINKS" tab.
Q: Can I review returns that have been filed in past years even if done by another tax preparer?
A: Yes. I do not charge to take a look at previous returns. The only time you would be charged is if you need to file an amendment.
*Please note...The IRS will only allow you to claim a refund for 3 years.
Q: I owe money to the IRS, how do I make a payment?
A: There are several options for making payments to the IRS:
When you file your return you should receive a payment voucher. You can mail that voucher in with a check as long as it is post dated by tax day.
I, your tax preparer can also set up an automatic withdrawal using a bank account or credit card. You can choose the withdrawal date as long as it is before tax day.
You can also set up payments using the IRS or appropriate state website. If you are unable to make the payment before tax day, you can call the IRS and make payment arrangements.
*Your tax preparer can help you set up payment arrangements.